Lola Gets Fit: Green Smoothie Cubes

Alright guys, I'm officially incorporating some of my new-found fitness loves into this blog. One of my biggest goals right now is to lose weight, get fit and stay healthy.

One of the ways I've incorporated healthier foods into my lifestyle is by making green smoothies. Anyone who knows me knows I don't eat vegetables. At all. I don't like tomatoes, broccoli, onions, peppers, etc. So getting vegetables into my diet has always been hard. But green smoothies are super easy and can be super yummy. But, sometimes vegetables go bad and that can be expensive. Here's a neat little tip on how to save your greens.

Mix a bunch of greens into your blender. I like mixing a bag of spinach by itself and a bag of kale by itself but you can mix all of your greens in one. If you want to do a handful at a time, you can or you can just blend it all at once if your blender is big enough.

Mix in a 1/2 cup to 1 cup of water into your blender. Add this a little at a time to make sure you're getting all of your greens blended.

Once they're sort of liquified, spoon them into an ice cube tray. I use a neat flower ice cube tray I got at Ikea for $1. Freeze it, bag them separately and then you're done!

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