My Bank Account Is Crying On The Outside

Hoarding at its finest. It's actually gotten a lot worse since this picture. FMbank account
Zoya's Earth Day sale is officially upon us. Each year, Zoya, a 5-free, vegan, earth friendly, animal friendly and amazing brand allows you to send back all of your shitty polishes and sells you their amazing polishes for half the price.

Did you know that nail polish is a varnish and shouldn't be just tossed out with the trash. Someone actually created art with old bottles. But if your on the more artistically challenged side, send them on over to Zoya. They will safely recycle all of your old polishes for you, and sell you their polishes for half of the price. You can then pick out a couple (or 48) to add to your collection while actually doing something good for the environment. Click the picture above and head on over to Zoya's site and use the code ZGREEN for half off!

Happy shopping! Love you guys!

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